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Posted by : Beauty Cyber Squad Official Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Hi, how are you ? ^ _ ^ This time nisa love Tutorial Turning Off Other People's Computers Through Chess ^ _ ^ Okay, let's just say right now: * 1. First enter Run, how do you click Windows + R on your Kmu keyboard 2. Next type cmd and select Ok or press Enter, 3. When the cmd black screen appears, then type the net veiw -a command or you can also type net view, if added -a command all SSIDs to be more complete with details 4. You will see a list of computer or laptop users who are both using wifi access with you on the CMD display 5. Next select one of the computer_name you want to turn off and then write the command ping computer_name without the double slash reverse \\ 6. For example the name of the computer is \\ Danto2017 then type ping Danto2017 and press enter, you can see the IP of the other person's computer. 7. Next to the CMD you type shutdown - will appear in the Remote Shutdown Dialog dialog box, select Add 8. Enter the victim's IP address, see step 6, select the Restart or Shutdown option you want, change the Display Warning For time span to 5 seconds 9. Add comments if you want for example "Your computer will we turn off, the server is in the process of repair. Thank you" 10. Then to turn off the other person's computer, press OK For the sake of how to turn off other people's computers through CMD that you can use to disconnect other people's wifi connections from your computer, don't forget to share this hacking article huh ^ _ ^ Hopefully Helpful: *

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