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Posted by : Beauty Cyber Squad Official Thursday, August 15, 2019

Hasil gambar untuk Pengertian Tear Drop Attack

Tear Drop Attack or tear drop attack is a form of DoS type attack on computers or servers that are in one network.

This tear drop attack uses features in TCP / IP, which are packet fragmentation or packet splitting, and weaknesses that exist in TCP / IP when fragmented packets are put back together. This type of attack. Developed by exploiting the process of disassembly-reassembly data packages. In Internet networks, data management must be cut into small pieces to ensure the reliability & process of multiple network accesses. These pieces of data packets sometimes have to be cut back even smaller when channeled through a Wide Area Network (WAN) channel so that when passing through an unreliable WAN channel the process of sending data becomes more reliable.

It is seen above that there are gaps and overlaps when the packages are re-embeded. Bytes 1501 to 1600 do not exist, and there is overlap in bytes 2501 to 3100. When an unprotected server receives such packets and tries to put them back together, the server will be confused and eventually crash.

However, modern network devices can detect this difference in fragmented packets. After they detect a problem, the package will be released or not sent.

Impact or Impact of the Attack :

When an unprotected server receives packets frequently, this overlapping causes a system crash, hang & reboot at the other end.


The server can be protected from this type of teardrop attack by packet filtering through a firewall that has been configured to monitor and block dangerous packages like this.

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