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Posted by : Beauty Cyber Squad Official Friday, December 13, 2019

Hasil gambar untuk virus komputerMaybe you think making a virus is very difficult. Requires coding expertise or at least master one of the popular windows programming languages such as VB or C++. But this is not the case if you have a Virus Generator. With Virus Generator, making viruses can be done as fast as making instant noodles. Just click and click, then a virus is easily created.

Many virus generators are spread across with a variety of choices. You can look for it in forums or underground sites. Although a virus that is created can be easily framed, but you cannot underestimate its toughness. Some well-known viruses that are widely spread in Indonesia or in the world many are made with this virus generator.

Here are some fairly popular virus generators that you can try to make viruses easily:

1. In Shadow Batch Virus Generator

- Infect various popular file extensions
- Activates the virus when starting up
- Turn off various important processes and services
- Change the file extension and spread it through file sharing
- Create a new administrator account, change the administrator password.
- Shutting down the computer automatically, downloading files automatically, etc.

link download

2. JPS Virus Maker

- Turn off regedit,manager, MS Config and various applications that endanger the survival of the virus.
- Disable anti-virus, wordpad, notepad, command prompt, etc.
- Resident drives, files, and important buttons like shutdown, restart, logoff, etc.

- Turning off the monitor, playing the mouse, opening the CD drive, etc.

3. TeraBIT Virus Maker

There are 54 features that we can use, I will only mention 15 features :
1. Avoid Opening Calculator
2. Avoid Opening Copy, Move Window
3. Avoid opening gpedit
4. Avoid Opening Media Player
5. Avoid Opening Mozzila Firefox
6. Avoid opening MsConfig
7. Avoid Opening Notepad
8. Avoid Opening Wordpad
9. Avoid Opening Yahoo Messenger
10. Add 30 User Accounts to Windows
11. Always Clean Clipboard
12. Always Log Off
13. Close Internet Explorer Every 10 sec
14. Delete All Files In Desktop
15. Delete All Files in My Documents

Hopefully it can provide benefits. send regards for success

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